St. Paul said: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church..." (Eph 5:25,32)
St. Cecilia Marriage Preparation Team are lead by the Pastor.
An interview with the Pastor is an integral part of the Marriage preparation process along side the instruction and guidance by the following leaders:
Deacon Gonzalo Porras- Spanish preparation classes and Retreats
Deacon Andres Larraza - English Preparation Classes
Marriage requirements:
Must be a registered active member of the Parish for no less than four months.
Contact our wedding coordinator Gina Rendon at 214-941-5821 ext. 107 to make an appointment or by email at, 9 months prior to setting your wedding date.
Por favor contacte a nuestro coordinadora, Gina Rendon a 214-941-5821 ext. 107 para un cita o por correo electronico a, de bodas 9 meses antes de su boda.
Premarital Catechesis: Engaged and Convalidation Workshops availible.
Please call parish office for dates and register in the Parish office. $150 per couple.
Catequesis prematrimoniales: $150/pareja. Debe registrarse. Fechas disponibles de convalidacion y para comprometidos.
Any other questions feel free to contact the Parish Office at 214-941-5821 ext. 107