The basic requirment for a good confession is to have the intention of returning to God like the "prodigal son" and to acknowledge our sins with true sorrow before the priest.
Sin in ones own Life
Todays world has lost a sense of sin. As followers of Christ, we must make an effort to recognize sin in daily actions, words and omissions.
The Gospels show how important is the forgiveness of our sins.
The Differences in Sins
Actual sin is sin which people commit. There are two kinds of actual sin, mortal and venial.
Mortal sin is a deadly offense against God, so horrible that it destroys the life of grace in the soul. Three simultaneous conditions must be fullfilled for a mortal sin: 1) the act must be something very serious; 2) the person must have sufficient understanding of what is being done; 3) the person must have sufficient freedom of the will.
Examination of Conscience
Before going to confession you should make a review of mortal and venial sins, and should express sorrow for sins, hatred foe sins and a firm resolution not to sin again.
A helpful pattern for examination of conscience is to review the 10 Commandments and the Precepts of the Church: